South Carolina SB627
South Carolina SB627 was heard on March 23rd, 2023. I testified.
SB627 prohibits doctors from treating minor patients with “gender affirming care” while they are under the age of 18 years old. The bill is filled with multiple definitions for words like “sex” and “gender” and defines all of the procedures which would not be allowed. You can read the full bill by finding my sources at the bottom of the page. The bill would aim to ban puberty blocking drugs, “cross-sex hormones,” and gender reassignment surgeries.
The bill was sponsored by Danny Verdin and over 20 other sponsors.
I landed in SC the evening before I would testify. I was picked up by one of the moms who volunteered to help. She was a lovely woman, was very kind to me, and spoke with me nicely on the way to the hotel. She offered to help me with whatever I needed. She was very protective.
In my hotel room, this mom had left me with a gift bag. I got chocolates, stickers, and even a South Caroline Christmas tree ornament! I felt so loved and so appreciated and it helped me calm down and relax after my travel and as I pondered the next day.
I had a small amount of time before I had to go to a dinner I was invited to with some of the representatives, senators, and my sponsors, none of whom I can name. Dinner was also eaten with the mom and other people who were testifying on the bill with me.
One of the women testifying with me was a mother of a beautiful Chinese adopted daughter. Her daughter was suffering with ROGD and a handful of other mental health issues, and her mother suffered deeply for her. She was testifying on behalf of the child, who wanted wrong-sex testosterone and surgery at her very young age.
Another speaker, a detransitioner whom I had met before, had dinner with us as well. She asked that I not share her name, but gave me permission to post the photos of us that will be below.
The other detransitioner was a wonderful person. I met her while testifying in Indiana, where she does most of her advocacy and work. She transitioned as an adult and testifies on the grounds that she has even some of her health because she did not transition as a child. She still suffers from health issues like the rest of us, but escaped some severity by the simple fact of her age.
We arrived early in the morning on the day of the hearing, too early for me to eat breakfast. I got dressed, and myself and the other detransitioner met with one of the mothers in the lobby before walking together to the capital. The hotel was close by and it was not a long walk.
I was able to take a few photos outside. It was a beautiful day, and, despite the breeze, was much warmer than where I am from.

Inside, after checking through capital security, we were seated in the hearing room. The representatives began to walk in and took their respective seats. We were seated in spots marked “reserved for speaker.” I sat beside the other detransitioner.
I did not speak first, nor last. I was nervous as I waited, and time did not help. This is because of how one man, Senator Brad Hutto, treated the people testifying on our side.
Senator Brad Hutto, most famous for slut-shaming an underage rape victim, was rude, condescending, dismissive, and downright mean to detransitioners and doctors testifying on our side. He was a bully.
When it was my turn to testify, I went up and read my pre-written testimony, which I always write myself. I make sure to write something unique and original for each state I testify in. This time, I decided to add in another thought which I had not written down, speaking in response to some of the previous testimony said by the other side. This caused me to stutter, but I made my point anyway. You can watch my testimony below.
Going Home
After testifying, I ate lunch with the detransitioner and some of the mothers who testified and were in our company. Afterwards, I went to my hotel room and rested until dinner. After dinner, I was unable to sleep, despite my early morning flight home. I usually can’t shake off the adrenalin easily, and tremble for a long time after speaking.
I went to the rooftop bar where I invited the other detransitioner to come and spend time with me, and I was eventually able to calm down and go to sleep.
I caught all of my flights the next morning, but I had a panic attack in the airport. I could not get Senator Brad Hutto’s voice or cold eyes out of my head. It made me cry.
I uploaded a diary entry to my Detrans Diary YouTube series.
On the plane ride home, I saw the Northern lights.
The Bill:
Thank you for your testimony. I’ve watched several hearings at this point and I’ve noticed that the Dems don’t take this seriously. They come with an agenda — nasty “gotcha” questions that go nowhere. They’re not curious. They haven’t done anything but the most cursory and biased research. They’re arrogant and unkind. The Republicans are always respectful and either know the issue or ask reasonable questions. I say this as a previously life-long Dem. It’s tremendously disappointing and makes me feel hopeless.
I looked up Hutto and his wife is a pediatrician. Really makes me wonder about what she’s advising her young patients.
Prisha, I am so sorry. I know these are just words and they cannot undo the harms you've endured. But the retraumatization you face from legislators and activists is outrageous. Thank you, and hugs to you.