Transgender Ideology and the Culture of Death
Transgender ideology comes with the persuasive culture of death. From "dead names" to cutting off family members, death permeates and leads the cult.
For many people, transition can feel like a new start: a safe, clean slate. You become a new person by killing your old self and by ridding yourself of “toxic” family members with the guidance of the community and your doctors. The old self is dead, bridges are burned. To the naive mind, this can sound like a good thing, but with a closer look, we can see the danger, horror, and insanity of this pseudo-death.
Transition is the act of denying the self and the birth sex and becoming someone new. The first step to a transition is self hatred, or at least a lack of self-acceptance.
We can see a reflection of this an any post about “gender dysphoria.” Gender dysphoria is the suffering caused by feeling like you should be the opposite sex. Such posts contain graphic reflections of pain and self hatred.

Most trans-identifying people have other comorbidities, including but not limited to, depression, anxiety, cluster b personality disorders, substance abuse, and suicidal ideation. Self hatred prevails within these mental health conditions, and is the foundation of many of them. I am a suffered of borderline personality disorder.
According to a peer-reviewed, randomized study by the National Institute of Health, “Of the 298 transgender women, 41.5% of participants had 1 or more mental health or substance dependence diagnoses; 1 in 5 (20.1%) had 2 or more comorbid psychiatric diagnoses. Prevalence of specific disorders was as follows: lifetime and current major depressive episode, 35.4%and 14.7%, respectively; suicidality, 20.2%; generalized anxiety disorder, 7.9%; posttraumatic stress disorder, 9.8%; alcohol dependence, 11.2%; and nonalcohol psychoactive substance use dependence, 15.2%.
Another study which looked at trans-identifying children found that large numbers of them have autism and trauma disorders.
A community of very hurt, mentally suffering people are being told that their suffering is because they were “born in the wrong body,” and to end the lives they are living for a new one.
Dead Name
Social transition is the first step to life long medicalization and the death of the former self. It typically begins with changing the hair and clothing and pronouns, then moves onto the name. It's not always in this order, but these things tend to happen together.
I legally changed my name as a minor.
People in the trans-identifying persons life will be asked to use “preferred pronouns” and the “chosen name.” Using the birth name is known as “deadnaming.”
According to the popular website Wikipedia, “Deadnaming is the act of referring to a transgender or non-binary person by a name they used prior to transitioning, such as their birth name. Deadnaming may be unintentional, or a deliberate attempt to deny, mock or invalidate a person's gender identity.”
Even in a source which holds itself to be mostly unbiased, there is the narrative that it can cause harm to deadname. But “invalidation” is not deadly, no matter how much the community might push that idea.
Deadnaming, as they call it, is frowned upon. People in the transgender community will say that deadnaming someone can cause their suicide. It is somehow also an act of genocide. Threats of suicide, murder, and death, are common within this community.
But what else does having a deadname mean? It means cutting ties with your family. You may not cut them off completely, at least not at this step in transition, but you are creating a wall between yourself and your parents by denying the name they gave you.
I did not understand how painful this was for my parents when I did this. I even changed my middle name, which was a family surname, so I could have something more masculine in its place. I caused a lot of pain and damage, and legally changing my name again has been very difficult.
There is power in a name, because a name is part of your identity. It's a quick descriptor of you as well as your history. Names carry deep personal, cultural, historical, and familial importance.
Suicide Threats
Daily, I am told, “Children are going to kill themselves because of you,” in response to the bills I am testifying on.
“You have the blood of children on your hands.”
“Trans People kill themselves because they are denied access to gender affirming care.”
But this is another cult tactic I have learned to recognize. This time, it's emotional manipulation and blackmail. Much like doctors will play on the empathy of loving mothers by asking, “Would you rather have a dead daughter or a living son?” trans-identifying people will blame you for many, many suicides if you disagree with the narrative.
During my time as a minor in the trans community, I was also told to manipulate my parents and my doctors with threats of suicide. This I did not do, however, because of a previous suicide attempt which taught me how serious the subject was. Nonetheless, I was told to “pull a stunt” if I was not getting what I wanted and needed. Many other detransitioners that I know have attested to the same.
Suicide threats are a common way this community will manipulate and blackmail others into their wishes. This is also how they end fights.
When suicide happens in a trans-identifying person, it is almost always due to the comorbidities.
Genocide Threats
Another common way the trans community will threaten you is by telling you that there is a genocide going on when in fact, there is none.
I am also frequently told that my actions are genocidal, I am a foot soldier of genocide, and that thousands of trans people are being killed daily.
All of this is false.
There are no numbers supporting a trans genocide. In fact, trans acceptance is at an all-time high. Many more women are murdered everyday, every week, every month, and every year, than trans-identifying-women and trans-identifying people in general.
If you are in an argument, after making this clear to someone in the trans community with numbers, they will say that inactions and small actions are genocidal and causing the deaths and suicides of trans-identifying people.
This is also false.
No one will die because they are denied access to the opposite bathroom of their assigned sex at birth. No one, at least in Western society, is going around murdering trans-identifying people. Being denied access to “gender affirming care,” especially as a minor, will not cause anyone to die. Hearing their birth name will not cause anyone to commit suicide.
Violence and Murders
Contrary to the narrative discussed in the previous section, Christians, conservatives, and gender critical people often face violence, and even death, as we have seen in recent news, when they share opposing viewpoints.
In Nashville, a trans-identifying female took the lives of innocent people, including children, in a Christian school. The manifesto was hidden and protected and released at the last minute to protect the shooter and her community from “hate.”
We saw attacks on women during the Let Women Speak rally.
More recently, Billboard Chris was attacked by a trans-identifying male for trying to protect children.
In conclusion, the new trans community, which excludes some people, as there are some who are not included in such acts, has a relationship with and culture of death. I have seen it for myself. I was deep within this community, and it is not a safe place for young people, vulnerable people, or even mentally ill people, who deserve only the best treatment.
It is common for people with mental illness to egg each other on and spiral into deeper depression and psychosis. This is very easy to see in communities like that of self-harm or anorexia. But the qualities that these communities have in their celebration of death and harm are shared by parts of the trans community.
I wish people who are suffering only the best. I am just hoping to expose what's going on.
The type of social movement which threatens suicide if they don't get what they want is called "a cult." Cults do not always follow a single charismatic leader. Skoptsy cults in 19C Russia egged each other on and spiraled into self-castration. Whenever the state intervened, they would shut themselves inside a building and self-immolate. They considered it the holy way to die. Yes, the death cult is not a new thing in the world at all and humans are not as original as we think we are.
Excellent piece, Prisha. You've neatly laid out the blueprint our daughter has followed, including the threats of suicide. She has BPD so what you write really resonates with us. Thank you for your courage in bringing your personal story to light.