Protect Women's Sports Massachusetts
On May 5th, gender critical people pf all kinds met in front of the MSAA /MIAA in Massachusetts.
This event was hosted by Billy, or,
Billy had two amazing daughters. At their school, they have four boys on their girls sports team, playing and sharing lockers and bathrooms with them.
The MSAA /MIAA was holding their 6th annual Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Symposium.
We arrived a bit before 8am and stayed until 2pm, after the meeting had ended. We made sure that the members of the meeting saw our signs.

We stayed out for hours, despite the rain and cold! I had to wrap up in a blanket for most of the day.
Protesters showed up to the event, too, decked out in clothes that stated their anarchist views, and with flags and signs.
One girl in particular made me very sad. Nonbinary identified, she was confrontational and distressed…
She also burst randomly into maniacal laughter. It was alarming, but sad.
There was lots of shouting of “fuck you” from the TRAs when the conversation devolved.
An burley woman roughly pushed a women from our side and tried to take and destroy her signs. Everyone was safe, however.
I got to meet Sidewalk Steve, a modern day hero protecting women and girls. He was very kind, and showed his bravery and love all day long. Links to his videos, posted on Twitter, are below in the sources.
I also met other lovely, gender critical friends and strangers who all fought passionately and fearlessly for girls and women!
Massachusetts News:
Thank you, Prisha, Steve, and all who attended. May that girl be saved and put back in her right mind.
I'm glad everyone was safe. Thank you for attending and speaking out!