I was contacted by reps in Ohio to testify in this bill. I testified in the house in the department of health and human services.
The full name of the bill is the Enact Ohio Saving Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act.
Rep. Gary Click was the main aponsir, a very kind and sincere man. He stayed with the detransitioners while we testified.
The bill means to save adolescents from what Ohio representatives have recognized is medical experimentation.
I arrived at the state house at around 8:30am with Chloe Cole, my good friend, and another detransitioner, Xandra, who said I can now use her first name.

There were no protesters in sight or earshot, so we were feeling calm and confident.
When the hearing began, the chair introduced the bill, followed by proponent testimony.
Chloe Cole did an excellent job as usual. She mentioned that she knew a detransitioner in Ohio, who I know as well, who didn't want to testify publicly but is suffering major complications.
Democrats mentioned that she had been in Ohio to testify before, and that her care did not take place in Ohio.
Chloe pointed out that the laws of science and morals do not change from state to state.
Xandra always gives a powerful testimony. She is a lesbian who experienced trauma and was encouraged to medicalize herself as an adult.
I wrote a new speech as usual. I mentioned the liposuction denial again, as well as my many comorbidities.
Representatives asked me where I received my care and if it was in Ohio. I told them that if they waited until a detransitioner came from their stats, that means someone is hurt and the state has failed.
I also mentioned the lack of medical care and insurance coverage for detransitioners.
After the hearing, Chloe and I were swarmed by media. We spoke along side rep. Click, who explained the bill for the cameras.
Following the interview, we were invited onto a podcast.
It was a Christian network, and Chloe and I were prayed for. They asked live what they could pray for for me and I asked for prayers for hurting trans-identifying people. They are in pain and unwell.
Ohio bill:
I watched your testimony (and everyone else's). You were so clear and direct. I appreciated your voice so much. Mom to a gender-confused son here, and so terrified of what's going on in this country. Thank you for your bravery. I know the tide will turn, but it's very frightening right now.
Thank you, for writing this! In Ohio the media coverage is shabby and parents who question or fight the medical community are dealt with disdain. You were so courageous to be here. I live in Ohio and am a member of www.CardinalSupportNetwork.com. Many do not realize how hard it is to find a decent therapist who is willing to get to the heart of a vulnerable person's issues that led to the transgender ideation. (They can come to our website confidentially) Sadly, they are not super interested for the most ". Why? Because in the city for example, there's a "gender identity conversion therapy law that will punish them if they do." It purposely confuses sexual orientation with gender dysphoria and protects the gender clinic whose directer is friends with the legislator that put it into place and was the Director of their Lobby pet, Living with Change, funded by parents who are transitioning their son since age 5.
Our group supports parents of kids who want the best mental health therapy for their children since they will grow out of it. Their kids demand transition, are transitioning regardless of their parent's agreement or are estranged (which is encouraged by the gender clinics tucked into our ONCE trusted Ohio Children's Hospitals. How can you trust a hospital that takes a self diagnosis as a reason for puberty blockers, wrong sex hormones and surgeries. It's also quite troubling that two doctors on this committee are part of the gender industry and have the audacity to defend it without long term studies to back up their claims. What do they give the public? Activist comments, no doubt supplied by activist Ohio organizations. Their careers will die on this hill, especially Somani who does hysterectomies on girls as young as 18 and calls it "gender affirming care". Well done! We appreciate you so much and will post this article far and wide in Ohio.